Johnery Whenever you wanna give up on your Tech stack, Remember someone remotely earns over $200k + for being a techie providing solutions to users. Consistency got them there, you can do it and you will. DON’T STOP. FINISH YOUR COURSE, YOU WILL WIN.
luhan Johnery you see that “finish your course” ehn, it is very very important😆😉. There are so many tutorials on my udemy and youtube that I am yet to complete. Noted senpai @Johnery I will finish them.
dhtml If possible, even finish the course, and start it again to ensure you have digested and assimilated the course properly.
Johnery dhtml na there problem dey o, 70hours course that you will probably finish in two weeks or more. then you gotta start all over again? 😂
Simplythebest Consistency is not always easy, you will always have one friend who is using an odd stack, and a friend that knows a friend using a stack you have stopped using but is making a lot of money out of it.
walexy Simplythebest sure, devs jump from stack to stack, but it is always good to master one stack inside and out