i’ve not included health insurance,food,transportation,TAXes, before we get to the main profit!
I know we dont think like these but top companies do,that’s why they charge very high for their servces. They cover ALL COSTS and pass on ALL OF it to the end user.
So,while it may seem high, a developer charging what they charge shouldnt be. It’s actually trivial,in d scheme of things! Top talent r also scarce,inspite of droves of indians chinese etc. Ever wonder y google/microsoft pay their engineers so well? Up $200k+ (and easily reaching $500k+) ? Because by their math, the value provided exceeds the cost they r paying for. And the math is working well for them so far. Most nigerians r grossly underpaid nd overworked,we’ve gotten used to it so when we see some1 charge what he’s worth, there’s outrage!
#i’m not advocating high charges. Just being objective about it